Mitooma district has 164 schools; 13 nursery schools, 123 primary schools, 26 secondary schools and 1 teachers' college school. Education sector's mandate is to improve teaching and learning for quality education in Mitooma Schools. The sector is composed of administration (DEO), Inspectorate, Sports and Special Needs. The sector has managed to construct almost fifty latrines stances under LGMSD programme and 12 classrooms under SFG programme. Generally performance in schools has been moderate as there has been an average of 53% increase in percentage of grade one results registered annually. Girls continue to perform better than boys in PLE annually due to girl child education promotion programme across the country. The sector has only one development partner (UNICEF) in support of education activities. Primary education is the first stage of compulsory education that provides pupils with basic literacy and numeracy principles, and a foundation in science, mathematics, social studies and English. It is preceeded by pre-school or nursery education. The entry age for primary education usually varies between five and seven years.